Sunday, September 21, 2014

Coming Together

In the past month, news broke that two women had been raped on the near west side. Both women had been going about their business in the early hours of the morning when the incidents occurred. One was on her morning run. I pass one of the locations every single day. 

Usually in crisis, my reaction is to arm myself with all the tools possible to overcome said crisis. And when these stories broke, I really armed myself- tasers, pepper spray, alarms.... 

But some people took a different tactic-- this past Friday, over 600 people joined together to run in support of the two women- men, women, children and dogs-- they ran, they walked, they left messages of love and inspiration. 

Because we are Cleveland. And we support each other. 

Also, if you were wondering, the rapist was also arrested last week. I'm probably retiring my taser.