Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Listening Now: Flo Rida + Sia

So, I was supposed to this on Tuesday, but I spent the evening coloring my hair (its v. dark with a hint of red) and painting my nails (pink with LOTS of glitter) instead. It happens. But I listened to this song again at the gym today, and I LURVE IT SO MUCH that I just have to share it with you. Its Flo Rida's new song featuring Sia- Wild Ones.

I'm SUPER excited because my MOST FAVORITE psycle instructor Jenn is playing this song in her class tomorrow. Incidentally, if you're thinking new workout programs for 2012, you should give psycle a try. There's a bunch of CLE tweeple that attend a variety of classes, and frequently we'll coordinate to meet up and workout together! Sometimes it happens at 5:45 am on Tuesday, which may be a little early for some of you, but there's a number of other classes. Its a fun time to hang out, listen to some great music, burn 600-800 calories per session, and clear your mind. And really, who doesn't need that?? So, if you're up for a challenge and some fun, sign up! Maybe I'll see you there!!!