Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuesday Tunes: Turns out I have a "thing" for Irish bands

For the second week in a row, this week's Tuesday Tunes is an Irish band! It must be those foxy accents or the fact that I love their lead singer's name (Gary Lightbody), but I'm OBSESSED. The object of this week's obsession is Snow Patrol, who just released a new album TODAY!!! I've been listening to it on repeat all day (obviously), and I'm yet to decide which song I like best.

Snow Patrol should not be new to you- I'm pretty sure they've been on Grey's Anatomy/Gossip Girl-type shows (you know, dramatic, lots of songs), and one of their songs played on the TV previews for the movie Dear John. If you're not into the sappy, don't let these instances turn you off- they throw around a few F-bombs too. Without further ado, I bring you the first song that I listened to (and downloaded in advance of the album), Called Out in the Dark


So, in conjunction with their new album, Snow Patrol will be touring the U.S. this Spring/Summer. And although they're going to most of the major cities, Cleveland is sadly not one of them. SO MUCH SADNESS!!!!! However, if you're in Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Chicago, or any of the other cities on their tour, make sure you catch them live!! And then let me know of the awesome time I'm missing...

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