Thursday, September 2, 2010

(almost) Q4 gym resolutions!

SO, I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but our (relatively) new home has a gym in the basement. When N and I looked at the house, we were really excited about it, but having no gym equipment, it became a room to store sports equipment and Clair's crate. All that changed yesterday. We got new gym equipment. Well, not exactly new, but new to us!!

Ever since I started spinning in May, I've been obsessed with getting my very own bike at home. I could've gone the infomercial route, but
(a) I didn't want to pay $599.99
(b) I don't really want the DVD's
(c) I REALLY don't like assembling stuff

Instead, I decided to wait it out until one was available at Play it Again Sports. And finally, after months of waiting, Monday was my lucky day. My new bike:
(a) Is half the price of retail
(b) Came fully assembled
(c) Was delivered all the way downstairs in our gym!!!

I did one quick ride last night, and its everything I thought it would be!!! Yay for (almost) fourth quarter exercise resolutions!!!

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