So, last night N and I took JV on her first ever ArtWalk. Somehow, we managed to pack a lot into one night! We started out with pizza and beer at Edison's (which is also one of our favorite Tremont dog-friendly places), followed by a visit to Cleveland Auction Company, where JV found this fabulous vintage beauty:

N then decided to stop by Flying Monkey for a drink, while JV and I continued on our tour of the stores on Starkweather. First stop, Lilly's for some sweet treats. I love this store. Its so pink and yummy smelling!!!! We did a tasting of the ninja bark (white chocolate, wasabi peas, Hawaiian black lava sea salt) paired with a cucumer-prosecco cocktail. Sounds a little wierd, but OMG it was sooooo good. It was salty, sweet, spicy, creamy all at once! I ended up getting some pistachio almond bark too, which goes really really well with whisky. Even N (who doesn't like sweets) approved!

This was followed by a quick stop at Geode, and Wine and Design. JV and I then took a little break to join N at Flying Monkey for some cocktails. We saved my favorite store for last: Banyan Tree. I LOVE THIS STORE! Look at the super fun stuff I found!!!

3 bangles, and a great magnetic board and hooks that I'm going to use to hang my necklaces in our new closet. And, my favorite piece of the night; a magnetic map that we're going to use to plan future vacations!!

After a quick stop at bistro on lincoln park for reverse happy hour, we ended the night at Hotz with AJP and @butnoteveryday. Good times were had by all!
Thank you for taking me on my first Art Walk! I had so much fun and can't wait till the next Art Walk!
Anytime!!! It was so much fun!
Lurve the map. I want one! Perfect for a den...if I had a den. Lord, get me out of my stupid apartment and into a real home! I'm afraid I might have had it with highrise living.
T, you could just come visit sunny Cleveland and get one in person!
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