Step 1. Gather your materials

Step 2: Find a Sharpie
Step 3: Pick and open bottle of wine

Step 4: Pour yourself a healthy glass. Hydration is very important.
Step 5: Put stuff in boxes
Step 6: Seal with tape
Step 7: Find Sharpie that you have invariably misplaced by this point.
Repeat Steps 5-7 until stomach starts to make wierd sounds
Step 8: Find nourishment (note the giant glob of butter on the pierogies)
Find Sharpie (AGAIN!) Stupid Sharpie.
Repeat Steps 5-7 until blood sugar drops.
Step 9: More nourishment
Step 10: Call it a night. There's always tomorrow.
This looks quite the same as packing at my house does....hrmm.....
UGH! This packing is taking FOREVER!
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