Thursday, April 29, 2010
I'm Gilt-y
Here's the pros and cons:
Pro: One-of-a-kind designer merchandise
Pro: deep discounts
Pro: they have an app so you can log on wherever you are
Pro: high quality stuff
Pro: you will look absolutely fabulous in anything you buy
Pro: excellent customer service
Pro: free returns (please check return policy on individual items)
Con: shipping charges. There is no free shipping
Con: stuff sells out quickly. And I mean REALLY quickly. The sales usually begin at noon, and if its a hot designer, they could be sold out by 12:30. SO, either stay at your desk at noon, or use your iPhone/iPod Touch app.
Con: if you're looking for overnight delivery, its not going to happen. Each sale has a different time horizon, and they're really good about letting you know approximate delivery dates. But, if you're looking for somewhat instant gratification, you should probably use another website.
N and I are in home-decorating mode and were lucky to fine this awesome candelabra ($44) and cocktail shaker ($26).
A Twitter Experiment
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
I Saw it on TV!
Its pretty incredible if you think about it; seriously, how many commercials can you think of that can inspire a whole range of reactions?
Laughter: Shake Weight, anyone?
Disgust: Ped Egg. Seriously. Foot shavings are gross. No one wants to see that.
Amazement: Jack LaLanne's juicer. How old is that guy? How can he do so many push-ups? Is that a magic juicer?
Also, why does it seem like the host is yelling at you, and why can't you stop watching?!
I've been known to fall under the spell of As Seen on TV; last year I asked for and received The Slanket. I also own the Topsy Turvy and the Magic Bullet, and I'm currently obsessed with the Sham Wow, the Salad Blaster, and the Perfect Brownie Maker! So what's your As-Seen-On-TV guilty pleasure?
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Cycle Chic Cleveland?!
So why the sudden zeal to ride a bike? See, the ideal version of me is the kind of person who rides a bike around Cleveland looking fabulously chic, like the men and women on one of my favorite blogs Cycle Chic. Well, this past Saturday, while N and I were moving house, we missed a ridiculously awesome event: The Fantastic Cleveland Tweed Ride!! I sooooooo want to do this the next time. AJP and butnoteveryday attended and here is the evidence!!
(Thank you Russell Lee for taking this fantastic picture!)
They're even wearing hats!! love. LOVE. LOVE!!!! So, I have to get this bike riding down, so the next time the Fantastic Cleveland Tweed Ride comes around, I can be prepared to ride it without the bike helmet. Stay fabulous Cleveland!!!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Gardening for Dummies
I have no idea how this gardening experiment is going to turn out; I have, after all, killed not one, but TWO bamboo in the past. Although, that was all pre-Otto. I think that having to take care of a pet has made me more mindful of my plants. Hopefully.
The cleshopaholic garden (still in its preliminary stages) will boast tomatoes, cilantro, oregano, parsley, and chives. My tools are as follows:
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Recipes from these books are in heavy rotation in the CLEshopaholic household. What's so great about Nigella, you ask?
1. I don't know how she does it, but she makes her food look soooooo sensual! And not just in the pictures, it looks fantastic in real life!
2. Her recipes stand up really well to modifications (sidebar: I can't follow a recipe exactly; its why I'm a terrible baker and had a complete meltdown the night before a cookie exchange last year. Seriously, I messed up scoop and bake cookies)
3. Every recipe is FULL of flavor (you should try my adaptation below)
4. She has a British accent. Enough said.
So, here's my adaptation of Nigella's Spinach and Bacon Salad (I wish I could give you the real version, but N has packed up the study and now I don't know where he put the book).
1 cup chopped cooked chicken (if you don't have leftovers, you could use rotisserie chicken)
1 bag baby spinach
6 slices bacon, chopped (I think Nigella used 1 lb in her original recipe; put in as much as you want)
2 teaspoons olive oil
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar (I strongly recommend getting a good one; it make a HUGE difference)
Salt and pepper to taste
Optional : goat cheese (as much as you want)
Optional : Crutons (you can make your own or use store bought; you could also use a chopped up baguette)
Put bag of spinach in a salad bowl. Put cooled cooked chicken in same salad bowl.
In a skillet, heat 2 teaspoons olive oil and fry up bacon.
Fish out crispy bacon with a slotted spoon: DO NOT drain bacon grease. Turn off burner
Quickly pour the red wine vinegar into the skillet; the red wine-bacon grease mixture will bubble.
Once the bubbling dies down, quickly pour over salad mixture. Add bacon, goat cheese, and crutons.
Mix up and serve immediately.
The spinach may wilt slightly, but that's to be expected. So obviously, this recipe is not the healthiest, but it is super quick and easy and ridiculously yummy. ENJOY!!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
How to pack with CLEshopaholic (with step by step instructions)
Step 1. Gather your materials

Step 2: Find a Sharpie
Step 3: Pick and open bottle of wine

Step 4: Pour yourself a healthy glass. Hydration is very important.
Step 10: Call it a night. There's always tomorrow.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Chocoholics Anonymous
If you're allergic to nuts, this is probably not for you. If you don't like chocolate, this is not for you either. But if you like chocolate, and can deal with nuts, and you haven't tried nutella, you are missing out on some serious goodness. I like nutella with granny smith apples, pretzels, crepes, but most of all, by the spoon, right out of the jar. I may or may not have a small but controllable chocolate problem.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Weekend Recap
After a yummy dinner, we headed over to Dragonfly Lounge for some drinks. It was my first time there and I was pleasantly surprised to find out they serve old fashioned cocktails made with fresh juices. The Moscow Mule was pretty good, although it pales in comparison to those served at Velvet Tango Room (the copper cups and bits of ginger make a HUGE difference!). I thinks it's interesting (and very cool) that a 2 mile radius in Tremont/Ohio City has not one but THREE amazing bars that serve classic cocktails made the old fashioned way (the third one is Speakeasy) ! Sure, they're more expensive than the traditional mixed drink, but on a night where you want to sip your drinks and have great conversation, they're worth every penny!

Saturday, April 17, 2010
The Kickdrums
And then, thanks to facebook, I was reminded of how much I love them with these awesome mixes they created for Coachella!
Reasons I luuurve these guys:
1. They're from CLEVELAND!! (see the feature on them in Scene magazine here)
2. You know how when you're listening to an album, you start to skip through the songs because after a while the style and sound gets monotonus? There is NO danger of that happening with The Kickdrums! Every song is different!
3. The Indio Sessions for Coachella (link above) is FREE!!!
4. Their album Just a Game (available on iTunes) features their very own music; its such a great combination of sounds, that I can't even describe it.
So, if you're in the mood for something different, you should give them a listen!
Friday, April 16, 2010
You Can Leave Your Hat On
Which got me to thinking, why don't more people wear hats in real life, not counting baseball hats and winter hats? Especially when there are so many cute options around, like the soon-to-be-launched (April 18) Eugenia Kim line for Target! Men, you have options too; Urban Outfitters and zappos carry a wide range of styles.
I think I just found the next addition to my wardrobe!!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Crazy for Concerts
Last year I went to:
Flight of the Conchords with N and butnoteveryday: This concert was soooooooooooo much fun! If you don't know who they are, you should check out the DVD's of their HBO show
No Doubt: This was girls night with Jess and clefoodgoddess. GWEN IS SO FRICKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! I would definitely go to this one again
Jimmy Buffet: In Pittsburgh, for the second year in a row, with N and Jon
This year, my concert schedule is filling up very quickly:
This Saturday, N and I are going to see The Roots at Playhouse Square. You can go ahead and diss them for being Jimmy Fallon's house band, but I don't care- I still LOVE them! And, they were the first concert that N and I ever went to, way back when he lived in NYC (Sidebar: that was also the first time I ever had Gatorade. I know, I grew up in a different country. We didn't have Gatorade). Anyway, after the concert, The Roots drummer Questlove, will be spinning at B-Side in Coventry; You should come join us!
In July, AJP and I are going to see Lady Gaga!! OMG, I can't wait for GAGA!! I was supposed to see her in January in Connecticut, but that was around the time of her whole dehydration situation, so she cancelled. I was really bummed, but the fact that she's going to be in Cleveland more than makes up for any prior disappointment!
Then, shortly after the second anniversary of my 29th birthday, a whole group of friends (including clefoodgoddess and fiance) are going to see Kings of Leon. And of course, N and I are making are annual pilgrimage to the Land of Margharitas and Parrots. There are a few more concerts that I would LOVE to go to (Jack Johnson, She&Him, John Mayer (only if I have free tickets)), but I have to cut myself of somewhere!
Looks like its going to be a busy summer, musically speaking. Now, if only Black Eyed Peas would come to Cleveland...
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Try a little Greek
My new obsession is Greek yogurt. In an attempt to lower my intake of added sugar (including artificial) I've been sticking with the plain yogurt (with a teaspoon of honey and pecans) and the Oikos vanilla (only 4 g of added sugar). And then, I found this fabulous recipe:
6 oz plain Greek yogurt (I use Fage non-fat)
1 teaspoon lemon curd (you could make your own, but I'm not motivated enough; its a little sweet, tangy, lemony, and overall YUMMY)
Optional: nuts (I like slivered almonds, chopped walnuts, and pecans)
Optional: lemon zest
Mix it all together and enjoy.
Here's the part I luuuuurve most:
Nutrition Facts (not including the nuts)
Calories: 150
Sugar: 13 g (of which 9 are natural sugars in the yogurt)
Protein: 15 g
Fat: 1 g
So, what's your "breakfast of champions"?
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
If I was a Rich Girl (na na na na na na na)
Anyway, right around New Year's Eve, I discovered, the online yoga classes (and podcast, which come with pose guides). I really like the concept of a 20-minute yoga session (particularly since Dr. Oz says it's really good for you). So, as one is wont to do around New Year's, I made a two-part resolution:
(a) STOP hitting snooze every morning and
(b) Use the extra time every morning to fit in a 20 minute yoga routine
3 guesses at what's happened since then... I NEVER got around to doing (a), so (b) hasn't really happened either! Shame on me!! Still, its only April, and I have time to redeem myself. So, I've some up with a "Tax Time" resolution; from now until May 15th, I'm going to do yoga 4 times a week. And you're going to hold me accountable. As added incentive, should I complete this challenge successfully, I will reward myself with a super cute yoga outfit.
So I'm curious... what would you do if money were no object?
PS I got the Gwen Stefani Rich Girl stuck in your head, didn't I? ; )
(Nike+ sportband update: Otto and I went to Edgewater Park today, and supposedly we walked 2.1 miles. I have to figure out if that was right. I have a feeling that my sportband is overstating my speed, and therefore my mileage)
Monday, April 12, 2010
How far did we go?

The trails run all over Cleveland, so there's always some new place to walk and new sights to see. The deer in these woods are pretty cool too: they're used to humans, so they're perfectly comfortable crossing the street right in front of you! I usually walk with clefoodgoddess (and Lexi) and although we usually walk for at least a hour, I never know how far we've gone! So, I got myself the Nike+ sportband (in pink! so cute!)

Available at multiple locations including your local running store, Dick's Sporting Goods, and online at and, among others.
I also plan to use it to track my runs when I finally get my act together and start running again. Someday. Maybe this week. Maybe not.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Couch! Chaise!
In any case, our new home needs more stuff than we currently own. We decided to stop in at Design Union; wow, furniture shopping was a completely different experience from last year. I really wish I'd known about it then! If you're in the market for furniture, and your style tends towards Crate & Barrel -esq, you definitely need to check out Design Union. WARNING: It is going out of business, and will be closing its doors forever in June/July 2010, so you have limited time. The upside is, there are some ridiculous deals to be had! N and I picked out 5 pieces in under 45 minutes! I can't wait for delivery day!!!
Saturday, April 10, 2010

This was followed by a quick stop at Geode, and Wine and Design. JV and I then took a little break to join N at Flying Monkey for some cocktails. We saved my favorite store for last: Banyan Tree. I LOVE THIS STORE! Look at the super fun stuff I found!!!

3 bangles, and a great magnetic board and hooks that I'm going to use to hang my necklaces in our new closet. And, my favorite piece of the night; a magnetic map that we're going to use to plan future vacations!!

After a quick stop at bistro on lincoln park for reverse happy hour, we ended the night at Hotz with AJP and @butnoteveryday. Good times were had by all!
Help, I need opinions

Friday, April 9, 2010
Bad Romance

Use the Friction Block ($5.29 at Target) at the first sign of blisters. I usually have one in my purse for emergencies. If you're carrying a purse that's too small for such practicalities, and its too late, use the Blister Band-Aid ($3.69, also at Target. There's also a generic version, but I figured I would try the brand first). The Blister Fingers and Toes promises instant relief (this part is true) and faster healing (its my first try, so I don't know what "faster" is yet). Your feet will thank me later!
Tremont Art Walk
Stores I lurve to visit: Banyan Tree (my favorite store in Cleveland!), Cleveland Auction Company (my favorite new discovery that is the authorized reseller for Alessi! LOVE!) Geode Gallery, and for something sweet and delightfully sinful, either Lilly Handmade Chocolates (I love the bark!), or A Cookie and a Cupcake.
If you can't make it out tonight, don't worry: The Tremont Art Walk is held the second Friday of every month.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
I love eBay
Versatile and affordable, what could be better?!

Shoes Shoes Shoes
Nine West Karoo, available at
Reasons I luuurve these:
1. They're RED!!!!! Bright, candy apply red!!!!
2. Platform under the footbed= heels that feel like flats
3. Ridiculously comfortable
Although, I will warn you, if you're going to be walking on slippery tile, you should probably have a non-skid sole added.
I guess we're just going to have to buy more shoe racks....